
Modal JDialogs

Recently our customers experienced problems running our software after updating to JRE6U12. In detail on Windows XP the desktop application would hang directly after connecting to the database. Downgrading the RE to U11 fixed the problem so we first thought it was a bug in the JRE.

Since google investigation did not bring any results except this we were convinced it should be our fault. After several hours of checking swing calls outside of the evnt dispatch thread, checking for undisposed dialogs and hunting down modal dialogs we found the following two statements.
Do you see the problem? Neither did we at first. And since the code had worked before we did not think the order of these two statements would be the problem.

In fact it does not make much sense to set a dialog to modal after making it visible, but still these two lines were the cause of the main window losing focus, not reacting to input events any more, and for the user being unable to reactivate the main window. To the user this looks like a freeze of the application.

So now, after several hours of debugging, we know that we must call setVisible(true) after setModal(true)!


NetTool, a great HTTP request handling tool

After being annoyed of the OS X font bug from http4e I searched for a free http request analysis tool, where you can freely manipulate the request. I needed this as I'm currently developing a RESTful webservice which delivers XML and json to clients. The clients had problems in some browsers to get the ajax requests done. So I wanted to check if the right content type and charset was returned if any Accept headers had beend set on the request.

I stumbled upon NetTool and this worked like a breeze. There are only two caveats:

  • The control characters don't match their OS X counterparts, so I have to use CTRL+C instead of COMMAND+C to copy values from the text fields

  • The tunnelling from port 80 does only work as sudo due to user access rights (of course that's the right thing to do, but coming from windows originally I stepped into the trap at first)


Using JTidy to clean up non valid html pages

A couple of days ago I tried to modify a html page using a DOM. When I tried to convert the page into a Document instance the parser threw some SAXExceptions, complaining about the structure of the document, sort of "this tag needs to be closed" and the like.
The source was html output generated from Docbook. I neither had the time nor the intent to mess around cleaning up the generated html, but could remember there was something called Tidy.
So I searched for a Java library, and there it was. JTidy, looking like an unmaintained project, but being the right tool to clean up a html page and transform it into valid xhtml.
The API is pretty straight forward.

This is the implementation for converting (non-valid) html to a Document instance:

// Create instance
final Tidy tidy = new Tidy();

// Remove presentational clutter (don't really know
// what exactly that does, but sounds great ;-)
tidy.setMakeClean( true );

// Use XHTML output
tidy.setXHTML( true );

// Make document readable by indenting the elements
tidy.setSmartIndent( true );

// The html document received by a get request
final String s = ...;

// Converting the page into a Document instance
final Document document = tidy.parseDOM( new ByteArrayInputStream( s.getBytes() ) , null );

That's it, by now you have your html as a Document instance that you can freely manipulate.
The only thing I noticed was that the method node.setTextContent() does not work. But you can use node.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ... ) ), that does what you want.

The second part is about writing your Document to a string:

// Create a stream to write the output to
final ByteArrayOutputStream outStr2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

// Write modified Document to an output stream
tidy.pprint( document , outStr2 );

// Create a StringBuilder
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

// Write output stream content to string builder
builder.append( new String( outStr2.toByteArray() , "UTF-8" ) );

// Create String
final String validXHTML = builder.toString();

At the end of the block you have your valid XHTML in a String.
